4/1 0030 Vyshali short sheeted the bed 0850 got Vyshali back 0915 nice email from mom 0930 cinnamon Life with Sudafed. Tooth area still hurts 1003 digestion 3 1820 39 minute body project intro workout with Vyshali 1920 leftover spag with meatballs, salad, Culturelle 2030 talked about the housing market which led to commuting, work, DV, hq, etc etc 2039 half benadryl with a bite of Chick Fila brownie 2115 Vyshali discovered my prank but she's in some kind of a mood after her phone call so it didn't go over well 2218 had a spoonful of vanilla ice cream 2224 started doing dishes, Vyshali came out to the kitchen, gave me a hug, said "I'm going to bed", and left. Maybe tomorrow she'll tell me what she was upset about. 4/2 1000 had a bowl of hnc medley crunch with a Sudafed 1014 digestion 2 1152 drove to the mall, talked to Sharon, walked 4 laps 1400 had a grilled Swiss and Cheddar sandwich for lunch with utz chips 1553 went to micro center 1655 arrived at May Jewelers, called for appt 1730 ruby's in the basement 1813 seasons 52, room in the back. Talked about money and our expenses, had salmon with the mini desserts 1900 Barnes and noble, puzzles, games, deal on robin/catwoman, trying to find things for Vidhya 2100 picked up the ring from the hub 2110 took my Culturelle with a bite of Chick Fila brownie 2115 created a mbtiles map for the arboretum for tomorrow 2134 digestion 3 4/3 0930 quality time with Vyshali 1030 cinnamon Life with a sudafed 1100 digestion 2.5 1148 left for the Arboretum, got stuck in traffic in the city 1250 arrived at the Arboretum. Started out with the herbie garden, saw the columns, walked to the Azalea (?) section. 1347 walked past the boxwood section to see the perennials. Lots of interesting varieties, Vyshali was explaining how they come up with the different varieties of flowers and the differences. 1420 walked past a really fully bloomed and vibrant cherry blossom on the way to the Asian garden. Stopped to take a few pictures. 1430 arrived at the Asian collection, walked around looking for a quiet spot. 1448 proposed to Vyshali 1455 had a pbh and cape cod chips for lunch 1544 walked down the path toward the river, then turned around and walked the long way back to the car while talking about weddings 1630 returned to the car and headed out, took bw Parkway to the beltway to get home. Traffic was bad as usual. 1719 stopped by Safeway for a few items 1827 had leftover spag, meatballs, and a salad for dinner with a Culturelle 1851 called mom and dad 1915 shared half of the Safeway chocolate cake while calling Vyshali's parents 2030 changed the sheets and got in the shower, then watched a couple of episodes of Jack Ryan while I messed with the eyeball 2300 Vyshali couldn't sleep so I went in and gave her hugs for a while. She was still beaming. I'm so glad she's happy, I wish I could feel what it's like. I feel so messed up sometimes. I want so badly to make her happy and I don't want to drag her down with me. Today was a good day and I love her very much, I guess I'm just down in general. 2324 had a cookies and cream Hershey kiss 4/4 945 talked to the Belagodus 1000 Easter egg hunt 1122 digestion 2 1215 made eggs, bacon, French toast, and leftover pancakes with a sudafed 1435 digestion 2 1500 looked around for the April 2021 mrr issue, didn't find it. 1615 left to meet bj 1630 stopped by the mall (closed) 1645 stopped by Wegmans, bought the April 2021 mrr 1700 got to Anita's, BJ running late. Checked out the patio awning, thought about how I'd fix it. 1730 hung out with BJ for a while, talked about the engagement, Vyshali being a good partner, work, politics, and the usual stuff 2100 got home, Vyshali still on the phone 2113 Culturelle with vanilla ice cream and choc chips 2130 talked to Vyshali about the calls and wedding planning, poor girl is exhausted. 2200 filled out the leave for tomorrow and read Seno's email about ORD 1130 got into bed, really tired 4/5 0845 spent some time this morning telling Vyshali how beautiful she is. Can't believe she agreed to be with me, don't know how I got so lucky 0915 hnc medley crunch with a sudafed 0939 Vyshali is the most beautiful banana thief in the world 1000 first shot, left arm. BP 103/80 1032 2nd shot, right arm 1102 102/74 3rd shot, left arm 1134 103/73 good to go 1150 did two laps around the office park while Vyshali finished up her meeting 1230 turkey and Swiss with s&p chips, mixed berry yogurt, and two cookies 1456 digestion 1.5 1515 had 4 mini chocolate eggs 1600 sneezing and congested 1900 leftover Anita's, chips and salsa with a Culturelle 1930 sat at the table with Vyshali talking about work, going back to school, opportunities (or lack thereof because I'm white), etc. Conversation eventually went back to the wedding stuff 2000 took out the trash and spent some quality time with Vyshali. 2130 talked about Vyshali's birthday and how people keep asking her to make decisions about what she wants to do but all she really wants to do is be a bum. I told her that people care about her and want to celebrate her and at least she has people in her life who reach out to her to do things for her birthday. 2145 half benadryl with a cup of vanilla ice cream and choc chips 4/6 0057 digestion 1 0915 HBO with a Sudafed 1028 feeling really drowsy, ear ringing 1300 turkey and Swiss with utz chips, blueberry yogurt, and a cookie 1426 digestion 2.5 1555 still feeling stuffed up and drowsy, took a Sudafed with a cookie 1830 Vyshali made wraps for dinner, had that with a Culturelle and some chips and salsa 1905 digestion 1 1926 mailed aunt Irene's birthday card, walked to Safeway with Vyshali 2030 returned from Safeway 2035 took half a benadryl with two mini chocolate eggs 2207 had a spoonful of cccd ice cream 4/7 0930 cinnamon Life with a Sudafed 1005 digestion 3 1345 turkey and Swiss with BBQ Utz chips, blueberry yogurt, and a cookie 1515 digestion 2.5 1632 has three mini chocolate eggs 1830 did a 21 minute body project workout with Vyshali 1900 had pizza and a Culturelle for dinner 2000 Sharon sent me a text that she got her first dose of the vaccine and made a reference to Thriller so I had to put on the Thriller album and do the Thriller dance 2037 half benadryl and a cookie 2100 watched the full Thriller video while working on my counseling log. That turned into watching Prince destroy his super bowl halftime show. A bit of an oddball but one hell of a musician. Worked on compiling GIS data and pictures from proposal day and updating my log 4/8 0937 hnc medley crunch with a sudafed 955 the love sponge 1055 digestion 1.5 1255 turkey and Swiss with utz chips and a cookie 1515 digestion 2 1545 vacuumed desktop 1606 applesauce with cinnamon 1649 Sudafed with 2 chocolate eggs 1800 had a work call with Meesa Otani from Hawaii. Maybe it was just talking to someone outside the apartment or the good memories of the trip but I'm trying to think of ways to become friends with her. 1820 walk in the garage 1900 leftover pizza with a salad and a Culturelle for dinner 2045 tried some of the chocolate ice cream from Rashmi and Brandon with half a benadryl 4/9 945 digestion 2 1015 cinnamon Life with a Sudafed 1300 toasted turkey and Cheddar with utz chips and two cookies 1551 digestion 2 1608 called Sharon 1730 21 minute body project workout with Vyshali 1815 choolah with Culturelle and advil 1900 cake with Vyshali, talked about plans for tomorrow's birthday hike 1930 quality time with Vyshali 2037 half benadryl with a cookie 2045 watched Jack Ryan 4/10 0300 woke up feeling urge for digestion, worried about food poisoning, fell back asleep 0857 digestion 1 0930 HBO with a Sudafed 1015 left for DC 1053 arrived at pierce mill 38.939798,-77.052428 1228 finished the hike, 2.68 miles 1253 wawa iced tea 38.928692,-77.033068 1315 prosciutto and arugula pizza from puppatella, birthday cake from milk bar 1615 left to take cake to ramya and drop off Rashmi 1645 headed home 1730 arrived home. Mounted the phone extension cord to the keyboard tray 1820 leftover pizza and cake for dinner with a Culturelle and advil 2000 read 3d printing magazine and watched batman begins with Niyali. Vyshali fell asleep on the couch. 2030 emailed Niyati about chipping in for V's birthday party 2055 half benadryl with a spoonful of cccd ice cream 4/11 900 looked for guest book sites for Vivek's birthday 945 HBO with a Sudafed 1020 digestion 2.5 1145 did dishes 1200 made brunch 1215 had eggs, bacon, 6 chunks of pineapple, and a small piece of brioche toast for brunch 1304 digestion 3 1404 walked to michaels 1440 got home, did chores 1520 mixed berry yogurt, Ritz crackers and Swiss cheese, and two cookies 1540 cleaned the air purifier 1745 leftover choolah with a Culturelle 1800 took care of mail 1915 50 bicep curls (10lb) 2000 played funkoverse 100 2030 sang happy birthday to Soumya 2045 finished the cake 2054 watched Soumya open presents 4/12 0730 woke up to Vyshali listening to something 0900 found out it's her new year, so that's what she was listening to. Wished her a happy new year 0910 digestion 2 0945 HBO w sudafed 1213 went for a walk 1300 turkey and Cheddar on a pretzel roll with s&p chips, blueberry yogurt, and two cookies 1511 call with Tania about the Hollow Timber house, appt set up for sunday at 3PM 1536 digestion 3.5 1717 Wegmans applesauce with cinnamon and two chocolate eggs 1900 gnocchi with vegetables in red sauce, bread, a piece of asparagus, Italian blend, two chocolate eggs, and a Culturelle. Ate while working, worked until 9 2121 digestion 4.75 2310 had a spoonful of cccd ice cream 4/13 0943 cinnamon Life with a Sudafed 1300 turkey and Cheddar on a pretzel roll (no mustard) with utz chips, mixed berry yogurt, and a cookie 1613 digestion 3 1655 walked 16 laps 1900 stuffed peppers with cheese and a Culturelle for dinner 2200 scoop of brown butter ice cream 4/14 0930 HBO w Sudafed 1058 sent out culvert stuff 1200 turkey and Cheddar on a pretzel roll with utz chips and a cookie 1302 first shot in left arm, 1:10 dilution, BP 118/74 1335 2nd shot in right arm, BP 110/80 1406 107/70, good to go 1437 stopped by Home depot for outdoor work gloves, measuring wheel 1524 went to cvs, picked up yogurt and cereal 1534 blueberry chobani yogurt with a sudafed 1745 leftover gnocchi and a Culturelle for dinner 1816 digestion 1.5 1858 drove out to wash off the Jeep and pick up wrapping paper from storage 2006 quality time with Vyshali 2030 haircut 2050 forgot to do Flonase after shower 2120 half bowl of ctc with half a benadryl 2130 digestion 1 4/15 0830 had a dream about setting a time frame to get in shape. Need to set some goals to go with it. 0911 Plank 60 seconds 0915 25 pushups 0930 hnc medley crunch with a sudafed 0958 digestion 3 1100 noticed a little bump under my right forearm - reaction to the allergy shots? 1436 digestion 2.5 1730 received email from Carolina with leasing docs, given 22 hours to sign. Replied to her. 1745 leftover stuffed peppers 1815 loaded the car 1845 left for PA 2245 arrived at Vivek's house 4/16 1000 ctc with a Sudafed, talked to Mr and Mrs Belagodu about work and life for a while 1137 digestion 1 940 steps per lap 917 steps per lap 1338 filled the lady's car with gas 1820 Indian noodles and rice with sauce and a Culturelle 1930 helped unload bricks in the rain, assembly line with Vivek, Vyshali, Soumya, and Vinay 2040 free concert from Vinay 2230 read the tower treasure 2325 very cold and tired, might be able to fall asleep earlier tonight. Not sure why I'm so tired though 4/17 1000 ctc with a sudafed 1100 helped Vivek water plants and checked out the bike rack 1130 moved stones to the wall site and helped with the layout 1315 had ???????? for lunch 1335 digestion 1 1600 cake for Vyshali's birthday and our engagement 1710 went to home depot to pick up some bricks and sand. Carried a 50lb bag of sand to the register 1745 went to Lowe's to look for a tamper, found one but it was $30 so not really worth it for this project 1815 resumed work on the wall 2017 wrapped up work on the wall for the night, went to work on the front walkway lights 2100 had dinner, including the stuffed pancake looking thing, the thing Vyshali made with salt and lime juice, the fried peppers, and the fried potatoes. Also had a Culturelle 2215 had a piece of cake while discussing the bathroom project with Vivek, Vyshali, and Soumya 2322 digestion 2 4/18 0815 digestion 1 0830 digestion 4 - anxiety 1011 left PA 1445 lunch at Panera Tysons west 1500 saw the 11412 Hollow Timber house 1600 Tania called, said there will most likely be other offers so we're back to the pre-offer inspection and don't know if 835k is still a good offer 1614 digestion 4 1700 left for nokesville 1800 talked to mom and dad about the house and skipping the home inspection 1830 talked to Tania, the other buyers were a long shot so we're still non - competitive for the house 2000 talked to the owner of the tulip farm about the caboose, she said she just got it and plans to open a Cafe in it at some point. She said it came from Maryland and the cost of moving it was more than the caboose itself. They had to bring the rails in and prepare the site then bring the caboose in on a low boy and use a 25 tin crane to lift it into place. Part of me wants to reach out to her and see if I can be a part of the process somehow, or at least get a look inside it. 4/19 843 digestion 1.75 900 got the fee sheet from Darran, feeling overwhelmed by the numbers and making sure I can afford this but also about everything else I have going on right now. The house, the apartment, work, cleaning things out, allergy shots, the covid vaccine, on and on. 915 cinnamon Life with sudafed 1008 first shot in left arm, 0.1 dose, BP 123/71. I told Katy I took my Allegra about 45 minutes ago, she recommended 1-2 hours is better. 1040 2nd shot, 0.2 dose, BP 104/72 1111 113/71, good to go 1125 stopped by chick fila for iced tea and lunch 1200 4 chicken strips, kale side, and a chobani blueberry yogurt for lunch 1415 digestion 1 1500 allergies bothering me 1600 Sudafed with a cookie 1800 leftover Panera with a Culturelle 1830 talked to Tania, buyers are stressed because they might be leaving money on the table 1930 went to home depot for pots, soil for the tulips, and gloves 2030 stopped by Harris Teeter for groceries 2130 spent some quality time with Vyshali 2200 feel like I've had some reflux or indigestion all day. Had the hiccups around lunchtime and kept feeling like I needed to burp 2230 sat with Vyshali for a while until she fell asleep 4/20 0030 decorated for Vyshali's birthday 0906 digestion 1.5 0920 Plank 65 seconds 0925 25 pushups 0935 cinnamon Life with a Sudafed 1015 digestion 3 1022 digestion 3.5 1053 digestion 3.5 1400 turkey and Cheddar with ranch dressing, utz chips, diet coke, blueberry yogurt, and a cookie