Directions to BLVD Reston Station

(Click/tap on each image to open a larger view)

First, since looking up "BLVD Reston" in Google Maps doesn't quite take you to the right place, navigate to this link:'57.1%22N+77%C2%B020'16.9%22W/@38.9492112,-77.3380662,20z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d38.949196!4d-77.338014

I'll need time to find the best place to park so, if you're coming from the East (I-495/Beltway/Maryland/DC), call me when you get on the Toll Road (Rt. 267) or, if you're coming from the West (Rt. 28) along the Toll Road (Rt. 267), call me when you pass Reston Parkway (Exit 12). When you reach the desination in the link above, turn left into the parking garage as shown below. NOTE: The image below assumes you're coming from Wiehle Ave/Dulles Toll Road. If you're coming from the other direction (Sunset Hills), turn right into the parking garage. Pull over and put on your four-way flashers; I should be there to meet you and show you where to park!


(Click/tap the image for a larger view)