Region Growing


Grow a region from a seed pixel

Click a region on the map. The computed region will be red.

This example uses a ol/source/Raster to generate data based on another source. The raster source accepts any number of input sources (tile or image based) and runs a pipeline of operations on the input data. The return from the final operation is used as the data for the output source.

In this case, a single tiled source of imagery data is used as input. The region is calculated in a single "image" operation using the "seed" pixel provided by the user clicking on the map. The "threshold" value determines whether a given contiguous pixel belongs to the "region" - the difference between a candidate pixel's RGB values and the seed values must be below the threshold.

This example also shows how an additional function can be made available to the operation.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Region Growing</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
    <!-- The line below is only needed for old environments like Internet Explorer and Android 4.x -->
    <script src=",Element.prototype.classList,URL"></script>

      table.controls td {
        min-width: 110px;
        padding: 2px 5px;
    <div id="map" class="map" style="cursor: pointer"></div>
    <table class="controls">
        <td>Threshold: <span id="threshold-value"></span></td>
        <td><input id="threshold" type="range" min="1" max="50" value="20"></td>
      import Map from 'ol/Map.js';
      import View from 'ol/View.js';
      import {Image as ImageLayer, Tile as TileLayer} from 'ol/layer.js';
      import {fromLonLat} from 'ol/proj.js';
      import BingMaps from 'ol/source/BingMaps.js';
      import RasterSource from 'ol/source/Raster.js';

      function growRegion(inputs, data) {
        var image = inputs[0];
        var seed = data.pixel;
        var delta = parseInt(;
        if (!seed) {
          return image;

        seed =;
        var width = image.width;
        var height = image.height;
        var inputData =;
        var outputData = new Uint8ClampedArray(inputData);
        var seedIdx = (seed[1] * width + seed[0]) * 4;
        var seedR = inputData[seedIdx];
        var seedG = inputData[seedIdx + 1];
        var seedB = inputData[seedIdx + 2];
        var edge = [seed];
        while (edge.length) {
          var newedge = [];
          for (var i = 0, ii = edge.length; i < ii; i++) {
            // As noted in the Raster source constructor, this function is provided
            // using the `lib` option. Other functions will NOT be visible unless
            // provided using the `lib` option.
            var next = next4Edges(edge[i]);
            for (var j = 0, jj = next.length; j < jj; j++) {
              var s = next[j][0];
              var t = next[j][1];
              if (s >= 0 && s < width && t >= 0 && t < height) {
                var ci = (t * width + s) * 4;
                var cr = inputData[ci];
                var cg = inputData[ci + 1];
                var cb = inputData[ci + 2];
                var ca = inputData[ci + 3];
                // if alpha is zero, carry on
                if (ca === 0) {
                if (Math.abs(seedR - cr) < delta && Math.abs(seedG - cg) < delta &&
                    Math.abs(seedB - cb) < delta) {
                  outputData[ci] = 255;
                  outputData[ci + 1] = 0;
                  outputData[ci + 2] = 0;
                  outputData[ci + 3] = 255;
                  newedge.push([s, t]);
                // mark as visited
                inputData[ci + 3] = 0;
          edge = newedge;
        return {data: outputData, width: width, height: height};

      function next4Edges(edge) {
        var x = edge[0];
        var y = edge[1];
        return [
          [x + 1, y],
          [x - 1, y],
          [x, y + 1],
          [x, y - 1]

      var key = 'Your Bing Maps Key from here';

      var imagery = new TileLayer({
        source: new BingMaps({key: key, imagerySet: 'Aerial'})

      var raster = new RasterSource({
        sources: [imagery.getSource()],
        operationType: 'image',
        operation: growRegion,
        // Functions in the `lib` object will be available to the operation run in
        // the web worker.
        lib: {
          next4Edges: next4Edges

      var rasterImage = new ImageLayer({
        opacity: 0.7,
        source: raster

      var map = new Map({
        layers: [imagery, rasterImage],
        target: 'map',
        view: new View({
          center: fromLonLat([-119.07, 47.65]),
          zoom: 11

      var coordinate;

      map.on('click', function(event) {
        coordinate = event.coordinate;

      var thresholdControl = document.getElementById('threshold');

      raster.on('beforeoperations', function(event) {
        // the object will be passed to operations
        var data =; = thresholdControl.value;
        if (coordinate) {
          data.pixel = map.getPixelFromCoordinate(coordinate);

      function updateControlValue() {
        document.getElementById('threshold-value').innerText = thresholdControl.value;

      thresholdControl.addEventListener('input', function() {