Modify Features Test

Example for testing feature modification.

Example for testing feature modification.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Modify Features Test</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
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      .map {
        background: grey;
    <div id="map" class="map"></div>
      import Map from 'ol/Map.js';
      import View from 'ol/View.js';
      import GeoJSON from 'ol/format/GeoJSON.js';
      import {defaults as defaultInteractions, Modify, Select} from 'ol/interaction.js';
      import VectorLayer from 'ol/layer/Vector.js';
      import VectorSource from 'ol/source/Vector.js';
      import {Circle as CircleStyle, Fill, Stroke, Style} from 'ol/style.js';

      var styleFunction = (function() {
        var styles = {};
        var image = new CircleStyle({
          radius: 5,
          fill: null,
          stroke: new Stroke({color: 'orange', width: 2})
        styles['Point'] = new Style({image: image});
        styles['Polygon'] = new Style({
          stroke: new Stroke({
            color: 'blue',
            width: 3
          fill: new Fill({
            color: 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 0.1)'
        styles['MultiLineString'] = new Style({
          stroke: new Stroke({
            color: 'green',
            width: 3
        styles['MultiPolygon'] = new Style({
          stroke: new Stroke({
            color: 'yellow',
            width: 1
          fill: new Fill({
            color: 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.1)'
        styles['default'] = new Style({
          stroke: new Stroke({
            color: 'red',
            width: 3
          fill: new Fill({
            color: 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.1)'
          image: image
        return function(feature) {
          return styles[feature.getGeometry().getType()] || styles['default'];

      var geojsonObject = {
        'type': 'FeatureCollection',
        'crs': {
          'type': 'name',
          'properties': {
            'name': 'EPSG:3857'
        'features': [{
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'Point',
            'coordinates': [0, 0]
        }, {
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'MultiPoint',
            'coordinates': [[-2e6, 0], [0, -2e6]]
        }, {
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'LineString',
            'coordinates': [[4e6, -2e6], [8e6, 2e6], [9e6, 2e6]]
        }, {
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'LineString',
            'coordinates': [[4e6, -2e6], [8e6, 2e6], [8e6, 3e6]]
        }, {
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'Polygon',
            'coordinates': [[[-5e6, -1e6], [-4e6, 1e6],
              [-3e6, -1e6], [-5e6, -1e6]], [[-4.5e6, -0.5e6],
              [-3.5e6, -0.5e6], [-4e6, 0.5e6], [-4.5e6, -0.5e6]]]
        }, {
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'MultiLineString',
            'coordinates': [
              [[-1e6, -7.5e5], [-1e6, 7.5e5]],
              [[-1e6, -7.5e5], [-1e6, 7.5e5], [-5e5, 0], [-1e6, -7.5e5]],
              [[1e6, -7.5e5], [15e5, 0], [15e5, 0], [1e6, 7.5e5]],
              [[-7.5e5, -1e6], [7.5e5, -1e6]],
              [[-7.5e5, 1e6], [7.5e5, 1e6]]
        }, {
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'MultiPolygon',
            'coordinates': [
              [[[-5e6, 6e6], [-5e6, 8e6], [-3e6, 8e6],
                [-3e6, 6e6], [-5e6, 6e6]]],
              [[[-3e6, 6e6], [-2e6, 8e6], [0, 8e6],
                [0, 6e6], [-3e6, 6e6]]],
              [[[1e6, 6e6], [1e6, 8e6], [3e6, 8e6],
                [3e6, 6e6], [1e6, 6e6]]]
        }, {
          'type': 'Feature',
          'geometry': {
            'type': 'GeometryCollection',
            'geometries': [{
              'type': 'LineString',
              'coordinates': [[-5e6, -5e6], [0, -5e6]]
            }, {
              'type': 'Point',
              'coordinates': [4e6, -5e6]
            }, {
              'type': 'Polygon',
              'coordinates': [
                [[1e6, -6e6], [2e6, -4e6], [3e6, -6e6], [1e6, -6e6]]

      var source = new VectorSource({
        features: (new GeoJSON()).readFeatures(geojsonObject)

      var layer = new VectorLayer({
        source: source,
        style: styleFunction

      var overlayStyle = (function() {
        var styles = {};
        styles['Polygon'] = [
          new Style({
            fill: new Fill({
              color: [255, 255, 255, 0.5]
          new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: [255, 255, 255, 1],
              width: 5
          new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: [0, 153, 255, 1],
              width: 3
        styles['MultiPolygon'] = styles['Polygon'];

        styles['LineString'] = [
          new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: [255, 255, 255, 1],
              width: 5
          new Style({
            stroke: new Stroke({
              color: [0, 153, 255, 1],
              width: 3
        styles['MultiLineString'] = styles['LineString'];

        styles['Point'] = [
          new Style({
            image: new CircleStyle({
              radius: 7,
              fill: new Fill({
                color: [0, 153, 255, 1]
              stroke: new Stroke({
                color: [255, 255, 255, 0.75],
                width: 1.5
            zIndex: 100000
        styles['MultiPoint'] = styles['Point'];

        styles['GeometryCollection'] = styles['Polygon'].concat(styles['Point']);

        return function(feature) {
          return styles[feature.getGeometry().getType()];

      var select = new Select({
        style: overlayStyle

      var modify = new Modify({
        features: select.getFeatures(),
        style: overlayStyle,
        insertVertexCondition: function() {
          // prevent new vertices to be added to the polygons
          return !select.getFeatures().getArray().every(function(feature) {
            return feature.getGeometry().getType().match(/Polygon/);

      var map = new Map({
        interactions: defaultInteractions().extend([select, modify]),
        layers: [layer],
        target: 'map',
        view: new View({
          center: [0, 1000000],
          zoom: 2